Petition for the Immediate Release of all Prisoners of Conscience 1977: Prisoners of Conscience Year
Publisher: Amnesty International, Canada Year Published: 1977 Pages: 1pp Resource Type: Article
During 1977, Amnesty International is attempting to bring the situation of prisoners of conscience into stronger international focus. As part of this effort they are circulating a petition for which they hope to get one million signatures.
Abstract: During 1977, Amnesty International is attempting to bring the situation of prisoners of conscience into stronger international focus. As part of this effort they are circulating a petition for which they hope to get one million signatures. It will then be presented to the United Nations. The petition states: "We the undersigned, OUTRAGED that in many parts of the world men and women who have neither used nor advocated violence suffer imprisonment, solely because of their political or religious beliefs, their race, colour or language; this, despite the many humane and noble declarations of the assembled nations of the world, beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights three decades ago, URGE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO THE UNITED NATIONS to take swift and concrete steps to ensure strict observance in all countries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, EACH AND EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD to act for the immediate release of all prisoners of conscience."
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