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Politics and Pensioners Concerned

Parsons, Jack
Publisher:  Canadian Pensioners Concerned, Ontario Division Magazine, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1978  
Resource Type:  Article

A report by the Canadian Pensioners Concerned about the possibility that tax-exempt charitable organizations could lose this status if they become involved in the political process.

Abstract:  Pensioners have become concerned about the warning of the Department of National Revenue that tax-exempt charitable organizations could lose this status if they become involved in the political process. This author attempts to show that although the Pensioners Concerned organization does try to influence the decisions of politicians, it is not "engaged in the political process". The organization is greatly concerned about political decisions since many senior citizens are greatly dependent on government pensions for survival. When today's senior citizens were working there were few private pension plans. In response to this reality, Pensioner Concerned is committed to obtaining "...for senior citizens a reasonable share of the rich resources of our country".
Attempts to do this by monitoring legislation and programmes that affect pensioners and by providing government officials and legislators with information about the adequacy of the proposals or operating programmes.
The methods used by the organization are seen by the author as "non-militant" in that it does not organize demonstrations. Instead, members meet or correspond with public officials and political representatives in hopes that their case will be heard. With regard to senior citizens, Pensioners Concerned focuses on informing them of what services are available, gathering information about their problems and the adequacy of services, and helping them to become aware of ways to improve the quality of their life.

Thus, the author sees it as a "special" organization. It is "non-political and non-militant" but concerned about political decisions that affect senior citizens.


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