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Edmonton COmmunity - First Draft

Publisher:  Scarboro House, Edmonton, Canada
Year Published:  1978  
Pages:  5pp  
Resource Type:  Article

This is a brief statement of the "position" of a community of 9-13 people, including two married couples and a priest, which emerged out of the animation of a Scarboro priest about two or three years ago.

Abstract:  This is a brief statement of the "position" of a community of 9-13 people, including two married couples and a priest, which emerged out of the animation of a Scarboro priest about two or three years ago. It speaks of the reasons members chose to live in community and of the characteristics of this Christian community. Appendaged to the statement are two other brief statements of their suggestions for their relationship with the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society and for lay missionary programmes.

The motivation for the community's existence combines a recognition of the lifestyle as personally fulfilling for members with a grasp of its freeing, challenging role in confronting society's own alienation.

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