Ontario's Future - Ontario Hydro
Publisher: Energy Probe, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1979 Pages: 4pp Price: Free Resource Type: Article
This brochure is produced co-jointly by Energy Probe, Toronto Mobilization for Survival, Greenpeace Toronto and Birchbark Alliance (OPIRG) and deals with Ontario Hydro's expanding construction program.
Abstract: This brochure is produced co-jointly by Energy Probe, Toronto Mobilization for Survival, Greenpeace Toronto and Birchbark Alliance (OPIRG) and deals with Ontario Hydro's expanding construction program.
The brochure begins by outlining how Ontario Hydro has expanded its electrical growth capacity well beyond Ontario's real needs and beyond the Ministry of Energy's projections. The excess of unused capacity is measured in a cost of several billion dollars. The effects of this excess are felt by Ontario residents who must compensate for the growing debt through rate increases. Hydro's growing financial needs have also forced cutbacks in various areas of provincial spending.
The authors of the brochure point out that there have been no formal public hearings around Hydro's decision to build the Darlington Nuclear project. In this case, Hydro sought legal means to deliberately block any public participation in the decision. This is crucial in view of the fact that internal leaks indicate growing safety risks.
In 1978 the Ontario Government cancelled a $300 million home insulation loan program while continuing to authorize the spending of more than $1000 million for construction of giant electrical stations. The authors of this brochure feel that this represents a mismanagement of Ontario's money and resources, a threat to the province's economic stability, and a non-solution to the energy problem. They are calling for the cancellation of the Darlington project for reasons stated above.
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