Ontario Hydro The Rising Cost of Power
Torrie, Ralph; Woods, Gilen; Blair, Don Publisher: Distributor: Energy Probe/OPIRG, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1979 Pages: 4 Resource Type: Article
This four page booklet explains why electricity prices continue to skyrocket and why they will continue to do so unless we opt for a more energy efficient society based on conservation and renewable energy sources.
Abstract: This four page booklet explains why electricity prices continue to skyrocket and why they will continue to do so unless we opt for a more energy efficient society based on conservation and renewable energy sources. It is a guide book which details the development of electricity in Ontario, how it works, Ontario Hydro's financial crisis, the fallacies in Hydro's rationale for more electrical generating stations and the importance of making the transition to an energy efficient society. It shows that the real choice for Ontario is not, as the nuclear industry says, whether to have coal-fired or nuclear plants, but whether to have coal and nuclear plants or conservation and renewables.