Making a Living - Ten Days for World Development 1980.
Year Published: 1980 Resource Type: Book
Abstract: Ten Days for World Development 1980 will focus on Making a Living - the right of every human being to work. Designed to initiate discussion and organization at the community level, the Leaders' Study/Action guide offers articles to assist groups in analyzing numerous aspects of this multi-faceted issue. Economic, political, physical and spiritual concerns are examined to help relate personal experience with international reality.
An article by Virginia Smith links the flight of transnational capital of Canada and rising unemployment in Canada and other developed nations to increasing foreign industrialization in the Third World, where low taxes, cheap labour and weak unions are often the norm. The recent INCO strike and world nickel situation are sited as a case in point. Smith argues strongly for international consciousness and solidarity among workers; ultimately they are the only people who can counter the moves of transnational capital -- a point reinforced throughout the publication. Numerous articles stated clearly that the only real hope for change must come from the poor. Any picture of reality presented by those who are powerful in society will enslave rather than liberate humankind.
Other articles analyze aspects of the employment crisis in the Third World calling for labour-intensive production with increased decentralization. Goods produced ought to be those most needed in the local community, rather than ones geared to profit.
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