Infant Formula Controversy Kit
Publisher: David Hallman, c/o Division of Mission in Canada, United Church of Canada, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1980 Book Type: Paper File - Folder
Resource Type: Article
Abstract: The United Church has developed this kit, entitled the Infant Formula Controversy which includes information describing the issue of the Nestle boycott, along with some articles prepared by medical authorities. The kit has been prepared in response to the practices Nestle's uses in manufacturing and distributing infant formula in developing countries. The danger with formulas appears to be that when they are mixed with impure water available in most areas, and with the lack of sterilization or refrigeration facilities in many homes, the infants are exposed to a great variety of infections.
The kit includes analyses of the types of promotion that the companies, particularly Nestle's have been involved in and the kind of public relations campaign that they engaged in to try and undermine the boycott. One article analyses the various counter-arguments put forward by Nestle's and the responses to them.
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