Module on Combatting Discrimination: Face to Face: The Self and Others
Publisher: Educational Resource Cooperative, Montreal, Canada Year Published: 1980 Pages: 22pp Resource Type: Article
Abstract: The Module on Combatting Descrimination was developed for students at the grade seven and eight levels. The authors are attempting to have this module distributed nationally. The module includes instructions for teachers to teach through exercises, audio visual equipment, discussion groups, etc. the various concepts for understanding the differences between ethnic groups. For example, the first unit demonstrates the importance of sharing, cooperation and listening. The second unit involves the student in organizing his/her self image. Other prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimpination. There are ten units in all.
"This module has been designed to involve the teacher and student in a process of value clarification; information gathering, contact with possible alternative information sources, providing help in creating a conceptual framework for the teacher and student when dealing with minority/majority issues."
The use of this module should be seen as only a first step in dealing with an educational system that is at least reinforcing the myths of the cultural superiority of one group over others.
This insensitivity can only be changed if we, as teachers, continue to search for alternatives in the present curriculm, structure, and attitudes of the school system towards miniority groups.
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