Working Paper on Technology and the Family Farm
Publisher: S.I. Pobihushchy, Dept. of Political Science,, Fredericton, Canada Year Published: 1980 Pages: 8pp Resource Type: Article
Abstract: This working paper was prepared for presentation at a workshop entitled "The Human Context for Science and Technology" which was held at Saint Mary's University, Halifax in May, 1090. The paper presents the author's analysis of the impact of technology on the family farm and how this process has virtually led to the extinction of the traditional family farm. The increase of farm product specialization has ushered in the phenomenon of 'agribusiness' involving the takeover of the family farm in New Brunswick: "in 1961 there were well over 8000 family farmers significantly involved in the production of potatoes. By 1976 - a mere 15 years later - just 900 farmers were left in the production of that commodity. By 1979, this number was further reduced to just over 500".
In spite of the awareness and concern on the part of government that the family farm is becoming non-existent, there has been little effort to deal with this situation.
The author claims that the New Brunswick government is a bind with respect to this issue. On the one hand, it voices a concern about ensuring the survival of the family farm; on the other hand, the reality of the situation indicates that the government has opted to serve the interests of the big investors.
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