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Wife Assault: The Silent Crime

Publisher:  Support Services for Assaulted Women, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1981  
Resource Type:  Article

Abstract:  Support Services for Assaulted Women is a non-profit organization working to help assaulted women throughout Ontario, with sources of help, information and shelter from Kenora to Kingston. It maintains that freedom from assault is every person's basic right and that wife beating is a crime, a form of violence against women. S.S.A.W. presents factual and legal data concerning the issue indicating that it is a widespread problem in Canada, occurring in all kinds of families, regardless of class position or cultural origin. Assaulted victims are provided with insights into the nature of the problem and suggestions on how to better deal with it. Women are encouraged to take some form of action if victimised and different possibilities are outlined.

As stated in one brochure, S.S.A.W. aims to increase awareness and understanding of wife assault by: publishing educational material; training a speaker's bureau; providing in-service seminars in hospitals and other places where assaulted women seek help; increasing the number of support groups, crisis counsellors and legal services for assaulted women; providing consultation and networking among those working in the field; stimulating research reflecting the victim's perspective and needs; lobbying for legislative change.

A consulting and advocacy group, S.S.A.W., encourages women to not keep assault a secret, but to seek their legal rights as it relates to this problem.


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