The Nukeson Saga
Publisher: Paul Mason, c/o The Birch Park Alliance, OPIRG,, Peterborough, Canada Year Published: 1981 Resource Type: Book
Abstract: This anti-nuclear play was written specifically for use by Cookie Jar Theatre Productions, a group of four Trent University students operating on a summer youth employment grant. Members of the theatre group then wrote lyrics and put together music to complement the scripts. It was performed last summer as a children's play under the title, "Oh My Darlington". The play is available to anti-nuclear groups willing to perform it.
The play is written in true fairytale style. The villain of the story is queen Calamity, who, with self-imposed authority, orders Marilyn, the Magician, to create a servant "more powerful than anything else in the world". Marilyn obeys, conjuring up an old spell to create Nukeson, a powerful beast with terrifying strength. Problems of course develop, but the story ends happily with the end of Queen Calamity's ruthless power.
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