Brief on the Proposed Resolution for a Joint Address to Her Majesty the Queen respecting the Constitution of Canada
Publisher: National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO), Ottawa, Canada Year Published: 1980 Pages: 15pp Resource Type: Article
The National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) presented a brief to the Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada on Thursday, December 18, 1980. This brief was presented jointly with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIACP).
Abstract: The National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) presented a brief to the Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada on Thursday, December 18, 1980. This brief was presented jointly with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIACP).
The basic concern of NAPO as presented in this brief is the rights of the poor and their real ability to participate in a democratic society. They argue that the poor are prevented from participating fully in Canadian society, with all its rights and privileges, because of the interpretation of present laws as they pertain to recipients of social assistance. They are basically in favour of a Bill of Rights, but with the following amendments: 1) that economic rights include the right to an adequate income for food, shelter and clothing; 2) removal of clauses which prevent recipients of social assistance from moving in order to seek employment anywhere in Canada; 3) insurance that the Supreme Court would interpret the Charter of Rights and that their interpretation would take precedent over any other government legislation; 4) that all forms of discrimination be abolished. The poor lack the resources which other Canadians enjoy and are thus prevented from peaceful assembly and participation in government. this , NAPO argues, is discrimination.
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