Oil & Gas: Are We Ready?
Publisher: Extension Service, Memorial University of Nfld. Year Published: 1981 Resource Type: Book
This booklet contains a summary of the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Extension Service of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, October 23-26, 1979.
Abstract: This booklet contains a summary of the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Extension Service of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, October 23-26, 1979. Shortened versions of the 8 major addresses and 8 workshop sessions are given, along with comments from the audience at each session. The speakers represented a wide range of viewpoints on the topic and included politicians, civil servants, business people and academics.
Although social justice issues were implicit throughout the conference, they were treated explicitly only in the workshops on the Social Impact of Oil and Gas Development. (Other workshops dealt with Economic Impact, Regional Planning, Training and Recruitment, and Environmental Impact). The participants in this workshop concluded that Newfoundland is "not" for oil and gas development, and they make four recommendations: 1) Communities should be encouraged to design or make impact studies. 2) A general social impact study of the oil and gas industry should be done by responsible agencies which would include representatives of community-based groups, such as women's organizations and churches. 3) An assessment of "the nature of our culture should be undertaken to determine its values and its needs - to decide who we are before we decide what we shall be." 4) A need exists to coordinate social services in the community. This should not be delayed until an oil strike.
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