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Day Care In New Brunswick

Publisher:  C/o Allayne Armstrong, 266 Winslow St., Fredericton, New Brunswick
Year Published:  1982  
Resource Type:  Book

Day Care in New Brunswick is intended as a practical guide to day care policies and services in New Brunswick and is of particular interest to parents.

Abstract:  Day Care in New Brunswick is intended as a practical guide to day care policies and services in New Brunswick and is of particular interest to parents. A section on 'Choosing a Day Care' includes a detailed list of questions to ask when visiting a day care centre or home day care provider. Average costs and eligibility requirements for subsidies are outlined. Standards for staffing, health and physical facilities are included, along with information about the legal relationship between parents and day care providers.

The primary problem faced by parents seeking day care is the shortage of spaces. In July 1979, there were only 2970 licensed day care spaces in New Brunswick for nearly 60 000 children under the age of 5 years (despite the fact that nearly 44% of all New Brunswick women 15 years of age and over are in the labour force). Particularly inadequate are facilities for infants and school-age children, rural day care centres, and provisions for parents working shifts.

The New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women has since sponsored a more detailed study and analysis of day care needs, with recommendations for change. For more details, write the above address.


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