Femmes: Images, Modeles/Women: Images, Role-Models
Year Published: 1987 Resource Type: Book
Abstract: WOMEN: IMAGES, ROLE-MODELS/FEMMES: IMAGES, MODELES grew out of a conference held by CRIAW (Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women) in November 1984.
The book, which is a recording of the proceedings of the conference, contains articles in either French or English depending on how the material was presented at the conference. A short abstract of each is also given tin the other language. This is a little confusing but mainily disappointing as non-bilingual readers miss out on some interesting text.
The 2 12 day conference was thorough in its examinaiton of the various "acceptable" roles women are expected to fall into. It also dealt with the consequences of not remaining in or attempting to fit into the roles provided.
As well, women's roles and images in diverse areas of society are covered: Women in Sports, La marginalisation sociale des femmes; The Place of Women in Religious insitutionss; Images contradictoires de la maternite, etc.
Produced largley by academics, the book is well-written and extensively researched. It would be a welcome addition to any course on Women's Studies and on the shelves of high school, college and university libraries.
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