Work and Income in the Nineties Working Paper No. 8: Phase One --Income Security Reform
Publisher: Canadian Council on Social Development, Canada Year Published: 1987 Pages: 30pp Resource Type: Book
Abstract: This discussion paper calls for a revamping of Canada's "antiquated income security system." The paper is divided into four parts. The first part describes the current income security system, and the second part discusses the pressures for change which it faces. The thirds part lays out some guiding principles for reform, in the context of a longer-term vision, while th final part sets out recommendations, for immediate reform. The suggested long-term guidelines which underlie the rest of the paper : 1. "to provide adequate income replacement when earnings are interrupted", 2. "to supplement the earnings of those with low pay", 3. "to provide adequate support for those who are performing unpaide work", 4. "to provide basic incomes for those who are unable to work atall", 5. "to guarantee that everyone who obtains paid work is assured a wage from their employer which is at least equal to the poverty line for a single person"; 6. "to ensure greater fariness and equity in pay rates particularily with respect to the gender wage gap"; 7. "to provide greater dignity to individual recipients, and simply the system."
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