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A Common Subject Authority For Community Information Centres In Ontario

Publisher:  Association For Community Information Centres
Year Published:  1987  
Pages:  233pp  
Resource Type:  Book

Abstract:  The Common Subject Authority is a list of index terms and phrases which are used in indexing information by subject. The purpose of creating a common list for community information centres was to make it easier for the centres to share information among themselves, especially in computerized formats. For example, if one data base were to use the term 'landlord-tenant'. another the term 'housing', another the word tenant, and another the word rent control, to organize the same kind of information, it becomes much more difficult for them to share information. But if they could all agree to use a common term, their format becomes compatible. This subject authority, produced for the Association of Community Information Centres in Ontario, is intended to standardize usage and thus reduce work for the participating centres. The document could serve equally well for other information organizations dealing with similar kinds of issues. An introductory sections which explains the principles used in constructing the Authority would be useful even to those not planning to adopt this list, but looking at developing their own.


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