A Time to Stand Together...A Time for Social Solidarity A Declaration on Social and Economic Policy Directions for Canada by Members of Popular Sector Groups
Publisher: Working Committee for Social Solidarity Year Published: 1988 Pages: 61pp Resource Type: Book
Abstract: This pamphlet is a collaborative effort produced by activists from labour unions, women's organizations, welfare rights associations, church organizations, aboriginal groups, and other community associations. It grows out of the belief that we are living in a social crisis in Canada. "Plant shut-downs, farm bankruptcies, business failures, and abandoned communities have left well over a million and a half people unemployed, thus deprived of an adequate family or personal income. During the past two years alone, nearly a million people have become dependent on welfare. Close to one out of every five citizens in Canada is now living at or below the official poverty line." A Time to Stand Together argues that Canada's social policies are increasingly being determined by market-oriented strategies which put pressure on social spending, wages, and environmental standards. It says that social solidarity is the key to resisting these trends and putting forward an alternative social and economic agenda. It is sketchy on how this might happen, but the groups sponsoring it see it as an initial declaration rather than a detailed program of action.
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