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Cash Copy

Lant, Jeffrey
Publisher:  JLA Publications
Year Published:  1989  
Pages:  480pp   ISBN:  ISBN 0-940374-14-5
Resource Type:  Book

Abstract:  As non-profit organizations increasingly face the problems of achieving financial self-sufficiency, many are having to learn the techniques of marketing and adapt them to their situation as service- and change-oriented organizations. This involves making decisions about which marketing techniques are ethically and practically suited to their goals, and learning how to apply them. The task can be daunting, but it has to be faced. Cash Copy, subtitled 'How To Offer Your Products and Services So Your Prospects Buy Them ... NOW! is written primarily for the for-profit sector, but for all that it contains insights and information that any non-profit organization seeking to promote itself and its services will find essential. One of its key themes, which any group needs to take to heart, is that every operation that hopes to achieve its goals needs to be client-centred in its service as well as its promotional activities. The process of writing effective print materials is the heart of the book, and the case studies, of errors as well as successes, are full of valuable lessons.

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