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The Canadian Public Affairs Handbook
Maximizing Markets, Protecting Bottom Lines

Wright, W. John & DuVernet, Christopher
Publisher:  Carswell
Year Published:  1988  
Pages:  288pp   ISBN:  ISBN 459-52440-2
Resource Type:  Book

Abstract:  The Canadian Public Affairs Handbook is concerned with how corporations can sell their company's image and conduct at a time when advocacy groups are questioning the ethics, role, and environmental impacts of corporate behaviour. There are chapters looking at how to manage the media, how to deal with crises, how to stay within the law in practising public relations, how to deal with advocacy groups. (One contributor suggests that the best way to co-opt such groups is to build coalitions with them around issues of common concern.) Those of us who belong to those pesky advocacy groups can get a fascinating look at how the other side thinks from this text.

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