
At the Water's Edge Nature Study in Lakes, Streams, and Ponds
Cvancara, Alan M. Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Year Published: 1989 Pages: 232pp ISBN: ISBN 0-471-62086-6 Library of Congress Number: QH541.5.F7C82 1989 Dewey: 508.316'0--dc19 Resource Type: Book
A first-rate nature book that guides the reader out into the world of ponds, stream, brooks, rills, and lakes.
Abstract: Are you one of those environmentalists who is all for preserving nature, but never gets around to actually getting out into it? Then perhaps it's time to "get your feet wet", which this book will certainly help you do. At the Water's Edge is a first-rate nature book/guide that guides the reader out into the world of ponds, stream, brooks, rills, and lakes. Alan Cvancara brings ecology alive by making the complex web of relationships in the fresh water world comprehensible. Certainly this reviewer will never forget the shape of a water molecule: it looks like the head of a child's teddy bear, with the hydrogen molecules forming the ears. Lots of fascinating information about water critters from the big to the very, very small, about the plants that grow in and near water, about clouds and weather, and of course about the effects of pollution. Use this book to teach your children or yourself, and let it inspire you to get into, or onto, the water.
[Abstract by Ulli Diemer]
Table of Contents
1 Water, The Elusive Substance 2 Standing Water 3 Running Water 4 Becoming Immersed 5 What Will the Weather Be? 6 Keeping Track 7 Dwellers of the Surface Film 8 Standing Water, Nearshore Life 9 Standing Water, Offshore Life 10 Running Water Life 11 Shore Borders and Sojourners 12 And in Water? 13 Strange Connections 14 Consumers, Consumed: Passing along Energy 15 Bad, Bad Water 16 A Unifying Experiences
Appendix A Selected National Wildlife Refuges to Observe Freshwater and Shore Life Appendix B Selected readings Index
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