Green Cities Ecologically Sound Approaches to Urban Space
Gordon, David (ed.) Publisher: Black Rose Books, Montreal, Canada Year Published: 1990 Pages: 300pp Price: $19.95 ISBN: ISBN 0-921689-54-3 Resource Type: Book
Visions from around the world for an ecological urban model. Argues that putting wilderness in cities is good for conservation of wildlife.
Abstract: Green Cities is a book about changing what cities have become -- a place where people are alienated from their environment -- to a new model, one that considers parks and other amenities as well as industry and homes. Citizens should be able to enjoy basic needs (such as clean air) without having to travel outside of the city. Many authors and professionals contributed material to this collection. The book is divided into three parts: (1) What is the Green City? (2)Naturalization at Work; (3)Effecting Change--Breaking the Barriers. In part one, ideas about what a green city could be are supplied, including a look at fifty years of the University of Wisconsin Arboretum. William Jordan, offers a reason why many people are interested in green cities: "we are inviting nature to become an integral part of our home after several hundred years of malevolence towards nature". Part two focuses on existing strategies and technologies that help make cities green. Examples are taken from the Netherlands, Texas, London, and a lengthy piece about Toronto's Ecology Park (Bloor and Spadina). According to David Gordon, Ecology Park "shows the potential of natural landscaping in an urban environment". Part three offers examples of local organizations overcomng barriers to their attempts to realize visions of a green city. Models include London, New York City, San Francisco, and Toronto's Leslie Street Spit. This book offers the reader a vision of what a city can truly become: a place where people are able to be a part of the natural world while still taking advantage of what modern cities have to offer. In order to achieve this goal, communities (and individuals) must be aware of what they are missing at the present time; also, they must be educated about the possibility of green cities.
[Abstract by Dean LaCaprara]
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