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Recolonization or Liberation
The Bonds of Structural Adjustment and Struggles for Emancipation

Publisher:  Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice (formerly GATT-Fly), Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1990  
Pages:  98pp   ISBN:  ISBN 0-9692334-2-6
Library of Congress Number:  HG3891.5.R42 1990   Dewey:  336.3'435'091724
Resource Type:  Pamphlet

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, structural adjustment is the goal of the economic and social programs which they impose upon indebted Third World governments. This booklet examines Structural Adjustment Programs from the perspective of those who are made to bear the burden of 'adjustment' in countries around the world. It shows how not only nations of the Third World, but also Canada and Eastern Europe, are being subjected to structural adjustment.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Structural Adjustment Shackles Africa
3. How SAPs Underdevelop
4. Structural Adjustment in Canada
5. Brady Plan: SAPing Latin America and the Philippines
6. Eastern Europe: The End of History?
7. Alternatives
8. Choosing Life
9. The Brady Plan Numbers


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