A Wives' Tale
Bissonnette, Sophie; Duckworth, Martin; Rock, Joyce Year Published: 1983 Resource Type: Book
Abstract: The backdrop of A WIVES TALE is the ten-month strike against INCO by almost 12,000 employmees in 1978-79. The focus of the film, however, is on the "Wives Supporting the Strike", on both their public and private actions and reactions to the events of the strike. The film shows their work to support the strike and each other: public meetings, a mock trial of INCO for its crimes against the community and the environment, their community suppers, clothing depots, and plant-gate collections. It also shows the profound changes that take place whithin their families and their own lives. The film returns to the community six months after strike is settled to find that it isn't back to life as 'normal'- rather, the story has just begun. The women's involvement in the strike had changed their lives, and that of their husbands and families. Another article in the March REPORT describes the second international Sugar Workers Conference held in Toronto recently. Representatives from 20 countries of five continents met and shared common problems. Their discussions resulted in the establishment of an International Commission for Co-ordination of Solidarity Among Sugar Workers. The March, 1983 FLYER, No.6, reports on various aspects of "Unemployment in Canada".
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