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Movements and Messages
Media and Radical Politics on Quebec

Raboy, Marc
Publisher:  Between the Lines, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1984  
Pages:  160pp   Price:  $7.95  
Resource Type:  Book

A study of the attempt by social and political movements in Quebec to shape their own communication strategies in oppostion to the power of the state and the mainstream media.

Abstract:  MOVEMENTS AND MESSAGES is a study of the attempt by social and political movements in Quebec to shape their own communication strategies in oppostion to the power of the state and the mainstream media. The book examines a number of different communications initiatives form the 1960s and 1970s, such as the setting up of alternative media such as Quebec-Presse and the new agency l'Agence de press libre du Quebec, or the "direct communication" tactics of the 1970 October Crisis and the 1972 general strike.

The author looks at the ways such initiatives contributed to the building of a new culture in Quebec, as well as the ways they fell short, failed, or actually reproduced the patterns of communication and domination they were trying to replace. He argues that any movement concerned with social transformation through a radical democratic process must develop a clear communmication stratetgy that minimizes dependence on mainstream media and makes room for the direct participation of ordinary people.


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