Organizing Unions
Cornish, Mary; Spink, Lynn Publisher: Second Story Press, Canada Year Published: 1994 ISBN: 0-929005-55-4 Library of Congress Number: HD6490.072C35 1994 Dewey: 331.87'09713 Resource Type: Book
How to form or build a union. Shows how to strength organizing drives by responding to the concerns of all workers, including women, immigrant workers, people of colour, workers with disabilities, lebians and gay men, and part-time and casual workers.
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Table of Contents
Introduction and Acknowledgements
1. Unions Make Good Sense 2. Unions: Fact and Fiction 3. Laws and Legal Advice 4. Choosing a Union 5. The Campaign for a Union 6. The Campaign: Management Reactions 7. The Ontario Labour Relations Board 8. Defining the Bargaining Unit: Rules and Guidelines 9. Which Route? What Employer? 10. Submitting Your Application to the Labour Board 11. Petitions and Interventions 12. The Hearing Process 13. Organizing Protections and Fighting Unfair Labour Practices 14. Examinations 15. The Representation Vote 16. Negotiating Your First Contract
Appendix A: Dependent and Independent Contractors Appendix B: Model Constitution Appendix C: Changing Unions or Facing a Competing Union Appendix D: Sample Application for Certification and Declaration Verifying Membership Evidence Appendix E: Sample Unfair Labour Practice Complaint Appendix F: Cases on Unfair Firings During a Campaign Appendix G: Ontario Labour Law Before and After 1993 Amendments to Labour Relations Act Appendix H: Charts Comparing Ontario Labour Law with Other Canadian Jurisdictions
Notes Glossary Labour Organizations Selected Bibliography