1989 Directory of Women's Media
Publisher: Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, 1989., Washington, D.C. 20008, USA Year Published: 1989 Pages: 120pp Price: $15 Book Type: Directories
Resource Type: Book
Abstract: The premise of this directory is that "for the right to 'freedom of the press' to be meaningful, we must have a realistic way to exercise it - for all of us, not just the multi-millionaires among us....We seek improvement both through expanding women-owned media, and through our equal presence in other media at all levels". The directory consists of an annotated listing of 'women's media', including periodicals, publishers, radio and TV groups, film, speakers' bureaux, courses on media and women, bookstores, libraries, and selected directories and catalogues. A section of articles on the theme 'Women Working Toward a Radical Restructuring of the Communications System' is also included. While U.S. listings predominate, listings from other countries, including Canada, are included. The annotations are helpful in establishing the nature of the particular group listed.
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